Nope, nope, nope - stop this LIE. They are completely different in behavior and in the harm they do.
Well, no and yes. Let’s put it all into some perspective. Sure, we don’t see the present-day Catholics executing Aztec natives who refuse to covert to Christianity, just as we don’t see “witches” getting burned alive by Protestants, anymore. But it DID happen, and there is no denying that. Thanks to historical movements such as the Renaissance, the age of enlightenment, the industrial revolution, the advance of science, and the birth of modern democracy, we don’t see that level of savagery in modern Christianity. Note that THROUGHOUT history, while the west was advancing in knowledge and technology, the MIDDLE EAST, especially the Arabian Peninsula, remained fairly isolated. The Wahhabists of present day Saudi Arabia were, more or less, still stuck in the 14th century when Royal Dutch Shell, and others discovered oil in the regiion during the 1920s-30s. Hence, they have had LESS than a century to go from 14th century Wahabbist Islam to the modern world. I’m NOT making excuses for them, in any way, just stating the facts. What’s made things WORSE, in my view, the the willingness of certain countries, including my own beloved USA, to look the other way when it comes to encourging these countries to REFORM. In other words, to HOLD THEIR FEET to the FIRE. Yet, because we have become so ADDICTED to their oil, we ignore their abysmal human rights record, which includes public beheadings, limb (hand or foot) decapitations, and lashings, Guest workers from India, Pakistan, and the Phillipines often bear the brunt of this, as do Saudi women. The Saudi men usually get off scot-free, and the western expats who work in the oil industry (geologists & engineers) are normally safe as well.
In so many words, we sort of helped create this monster. And, it doesn’t help the our current President sees fit to COZY UP to the corrupt Saudi regime. He’s real quick to lambast LEGAL immigration from “shit-hole” countries, yet gives the Saudis the old wink-wink & nod.
The TRUMPANZEES, er....Orangutans, who blindly support this dotard in chief, are fine with a complete travel ban placed on certain countries where RADICAL ISLAMISTS have been known to operate. YET, they are completely IGNORANT of the fact the these terrorists are influenced by the very same Wahhabist mindset that engulfs Saudi f’n Arabia!! Not to mention the funding, and “talent” that comes from Saudi, to the various networks in Yemen, Syria, ect. SAUDI is the problem. But hey, they have oil. PLUS....speaking of corruption, Donnie boy has EIGHT companies that are registered in Saudi Arabia. Hmmmm, no wonder he won’t release his finances. Just sayin.
I know I’ll get negative points from all the Trump lovers out there, bur it had to be said. By far the way, I was based in Dahran KSA, in the early 2000s, plus had an apartment in Bahrain. And, I’ve traveled extensively to UAE and Egypt. Eastern Africa not as much. West Africa, never. Well, not YET. LoL.